Skater meeting with Coaches THUR NOV 1st 7PM MIA Meeting Room
Captain's Ice THUR NOV 1st 7:45PM MIA
BLUE CARDS (Emergency contact and Insurance Information) due to Athletic office the end of this week - if you have not turned this in already have your skater pick up the Blue Card from the athletic office/complete form and turn in by Friday - per previous notification from Renee Burnett Athletic Secretaruy - NOT eligible to tryout unless Blue Card is on file
GREEN CARDS: Most players have active cards on file - Physical with MD is required every 2 years - you can check with Renee (Phone: 608-204-4103, E-mail: ) if you do not know if your card is in date
TEAM WEAR AND FAN WEAR - Marc Joyal (Crossovers)- has prepared available apparel form and the order form - PLEASE LOOK AT THIS SOON - ORDERS ARE DUE TO MARC BY 11/16/12 (NO LATE ORDERS) - I will bring printed copies of these forms to the rink on Nov 1 - we are SO LUCKY to have the Joyals at MIA - Parents of new skaters - the players usually order the KEWL Royal Warm up Jacket and the KEWL Royal Warm up Pants
PARENT MEETING NOV 11 6PM MIA MEETING ROOM - Make sure this is on your calendar
Sarah Lentz cell 608-509-8896